Monday, October 31, 2016


"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it" -William Penn
This statement is clearly stating, what is correct is the correct and what isn't, isn't. This quote by William brings a meaning to actions in our everyday life. Our world isn't perfect, but we can make changes little by little.The audience to this quote is every living person. The actions we commit today affect who we are in the future. Choosing the Right gives you the best result. The correct thing to do is always the correct thing to do. What individual would want to live in a world surrounded by bad, bad is bad. Today the “cool” things are usually the bad things. These considered “cool” actions are nowhere awesome. No matter what doing the right is the right, even if everyone is against it.

A great example to follow up this quote are everyday seeings and actions we see around us. A good action, the right action is completing your homework. Completing your homework and turning it in when it's due is a way of choosing the right. Choosing the Right will bring positivity towards you.According to Williams quote the right is right is Choosing the Right. Choosing the Right is the big whole assumption for right is right. Beside the correct thing to do, bad is bad. Bad is bad even if everyone sees it as the best and coolest option. A great example, the opposite of homework. When you don’t do your homework it's a step to choosing the wrong. Choosing the wrong is choosing the bad. An individual who does not do their homework with have negative affects and them and will prohibit a well future for them. Not turning in your homework can already prepare you for a test, lower your grade down, not increase your knowledge, etc. No matter what choose the right because it's the correct thing to do.
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." Peter Vidmar
   This quote relates what we are personally doing at the moment, writing in our goals journals goals we would like to accomplish. Peter is a Gold Olympic champion with scores of perfect ten's.What this quote is stating is when you are at the moment don't sacrifice to much effort to try to get to a really high level, with time and a daily reminder what you want the most for yourself or others will eventually occur. What you want to earn and get to takes time. What his statement states to me is that what you want the most for yourself shouldn't be sacrificed right now to get to the top. As a goal  setter i recommend to take the time and patient to continue giving your effort to do your best. The other part to Peters quote is as well very well stated to do your best to achieve the best. As his personal strategy what he did was basically write his own goal to become an Olympic champion and a gold medalist with perfect ten's. With time and patients, Peter was able to accomplish.Seeing his own personal strategy it is evidence of what we are doing now that can help us in the future. Sacrifice you time,effort, and patients and you will succeed and achieve what you really want in te future with a daily reminder.
    A great example to represent Peter's quote is our educational life. Every week we attend school four to five days a week, we focus on different assignments, and we are given assignments to work on. Following on, those assignments are your preparation and practice before a quiz or test that you never wish to fail on. As for personal experience, i have a daily reminder that i see everyday to remind me to do my best and give my best to do the best i can in my test. As time fly's we sacrifice our time and determination to stay committed to what is asked of me to do better in school and in my future. As for this example, you should give your time and effort to school itself to do the best and achieve the best in the future. Right now you sacrifice your time and effort to achieve the best, with that commitment and daily reminder you have for yourself will give you that goal you have set yourself. That goal will be achieved and you will be successful in your school work, when you graduate, and your future.
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School Homecomings
A school homecoming is an annual tradition in high schools and colleges to re-welcome alumni and former students in the late September or October too come together once again. Homecoming began by the Appalachians to remember those, but our homecoming version consist of a lot of fun and shine. The homecoming tradition began in 1999 by a The University of Missouri campus that annually would have different categorized events to bring and reunite alumni’s. In a school homecoming of what we can relate too is the homecoming football game, the annual blood drive,a spirit week, the dance,a theme for the dance, and the crowning for homecoming queen and king. A Homecoming game is a special event to bring back alumni’s specifically in sports. For example, usually the alumni’s that are invited to the homecoming game are the cheerleaders,football players, colorguard,band,homecoming queen and king,etc. Proper Homecoming etiquette is the rules and expectations to a homecoming dance. This includes behavior, manners,dress codes,etc.
Image result for homecoming game
Image result for homecoming game
I see Homecoming as a way to start of your high school experience. Many people say,”High School will be the best years of your life!”. I honestly maybe going to the dance, but most likely i will be going to the game. I see homecoming as a way to have fun with friends and dates. It's a great way to start of your high school year from your hard work. Homecoming is a nice tradition to bring back alumni from the past to celebrate and bring back memorable memories made in their high school and in college.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Student Success Statement

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life." Coach K
A good name comes from good actions. This quote said by Coach K, is similar to the one last week,but its something else we can put in our thought. A good name comes from being a person of good. In order to be a person of good, you choose the right. Choosing the right gives you good labels about yourself. Good labels are from the success and positive accomplishments you have made. Good name come from achievements,success,doing good,helping others in a positive way,etc. I fully agree with Coach K, because nothing better in life is having a good label on your own self. I see this quote very straight forward of what life should bring you to do better. This quote said by Coach K, no matter who you are or what you do that everyone knows or loves you about is nowhere near good as having a good label about yourself. What is their in achievement if you are well know and an achiever, of everyone knows you as the cheater,lair,etc.
A great example that would fit in this quote is Coach K well known being. Coach K is a high achiever with really good labels with more than 1,000 Basketball games wins. He is an achiever with good labels in his life. Besides Coach K, another great example would be an individual trying out for a sport or program. Lets say, this individual didn't make it into the team. The individual who tryout wasn't successful. Even though this individual didn't make it, the coach of the team complimented her effort. This individual was given the label of being very determine and dedicated too achieve something. In this case, the individual wasn't able to achieve this , but she got the good labels of the success she gave to try to earn a position in the sport. Determination and dedication was key for this individuals tryouts, she may not have made it, but she got the good name out of it.
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Global Opportunities

Global Opportunities:Careers in Other Countries
The career options relate to small parts in industries to work in the field,, and or construction. Timber is a name for a job where they are suppliers.
Operation Manager
The job focus as a Operation Manager focuses on leadership skills,developments,management,organization,skills,logic,etc.  This job as a Operation Manager is a personal recruitment to help manage a business or food industry.
News Classification Specialist
In this job it’s all about persuasion and providing information to others. This job is similar to a retailer, but instead you retail to different companies. News Classification Specialist inspire special marketing to continue in progress and do its best to succeed with information and ideas.
Graduate Business Development Executive
In this job you join successful companies and work with them. The job focus is too help and, provide ideas ,give out news,etc to help continue make the company more successful and moving on. This job is in the need of great performance to continue exceeding to the top. In this job any idea should be given to help improve and do better in the job to help the company.

Reflection: Would you like to work in another country? If yes, tell which country and career.No,Why not? 
I would like to work in another country, but not for long. Based on all four available jobs I was able to research i would go with the Graduate Business Development Executive. I would like to work on business in my future career. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Student Success Statement

" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
 The first thing that pops to my head reading this quote is labels and the actions we all so. That is when CTR comes in, being CTR brings right in your daily life choices. Labels are usually all determined of the things you do and how you do it, either wrong or right. Having a good label shows the type of person you are, the great actions you have shown others,etc. Choosing the Right gives you a good label, choosing the wrong gives you the bad labels. Labels are followed everyday, the labels will never go away. Labels are also what determines your destiny. Like i said before, labels are from the actions we have done, which is now history. With these labels, others use it to determine the benefit towards your own self. Riches are usually wanted in life, but it doesn't really bring happiness. My definition of happiness is being loved or showing love, respect, and honor towards myself,friends,family, and making a change in my own lifetime. Labels are either positive or negative, riches are temporary. Having those positive labels on you bring better riches that value more than others.
 A great example to follow up this quote is when you are applying for a job or career. When applying for something they ask you for background information about yourself or experience you have had towards something,etc. After doing the easy part, then usually and interview is called in. When in the interview you have a one-on-one conversation with a person who asks you question to help you determine if you get the job or not. Like i said before, our good name is our labels we have committed in the past. When the interviewer looks at your background and/or your experience on a certain thing, it is use to impress your own-self to see how better you are than others.If your background says you have been in prison for bank robbery, drug intake, battery charge,etc that is a label you have committed in the past that follows you. This person with this bad history chose the wrong to get what he wanted instead of choosing the right and earn what he desired. This is a great example, because your good name is usually your labels from the past that determine who you are.

Health Educator

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators are people who provide information to others to make healthy lifestyle choices. The lifestyle choices are the type of foods they intake, physical activity, smoking, drug consumption, drinking water,etc. Health educators are our teachers about our wellness and information of what our communities do and what they have to make those better choices. Health Educators target towards children and adults to help them find services to help improve their health. They are responsible of developing relationships with others to inform you about public health care, provide information, help others, create educational training that involve community meetings,etc.
Salary: $51,960 - $92,950
Education Health Educators are required to have a Bachelor's degree in Health Education and/or Health Promotion, also depending you are required to have a Masters degree in Health education and/or public health. Following by, Health Educators need to take an examine and pass, also they are required to have had 75 hours of public education every 5 hours. The needs for an health educators can be found in the community.
Demand or need for this profession: Expected to grow 37% by 2020.
Image result for community health educatorImage result for health educator
Reflection: Do you think you would like to become one?Why? Why not?

I would consider to become a Health Educator. This job seems like a very important, but not much of a struggle to do. This job would be a great for me,because i wouldn’t want to be away from home and i can work in my community. This job can help inform others to become a better well-being and i can help out my own and other communities as well. This job may fall under the medical field, but as long as i don’t have any physical contact with blood or anything else i'm good. This job is a consideration, but not at my top seeings.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone, Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow”
                                    Thomas S. Monson
This statement is well stated by Thomas. Sometimes are “friends” aren't really our friends. What Thomas is stating here is your real friends are the ones who encourage you to do the best and to continue and succeed, not to encourage you to do something you know is wrong and can get you in trouble. Standing alone can sometimes be your only choice nowadays so you can live on to something correct. Nowadays people, most likely teenagers just want to “fit in”. When you try to fit in, it leads to choices you have to make. Usually the choices that lead you to choose the right or “fit it” usually comes from your friends. There are always the good and bad influences in your life. Friends can be the best people that help complete our life, but friends should encourage you to be and do the best not encourage to a wrong. Choose the correct friends will lead you on a good path, even if sometimes you result standing alone.
   A great example that would fit in this well stated quote by Thomas are the teenagers nowadays. Nowadays when you “fit in” as a teenager; it's all about what you wear,what you buy, who you hang out with, who has a latest items, who does the cool thing of “drugs”,etc. Teenagers nowadays see the use of drugs and smoking as something “cool”, but what's cool about it ? To be honest with you, their is always at least that one teenager who does these thing and he can be your “friend” too, maybe one day you guys hang out and he offers you to try it out. Choosing the right in this case is to just say no to drugs, peer pressure results in this. Walking away help, even if that means ending and relationship with a group of “friends” because of bad actions.Standing alone can sometimes be the resolution to continue being well.

Student Success Statement

“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone, Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow”
                                    Thomas S. Monson
This statement is well stated by Thomas. Sometimes are “friends” aren't really our friends. What Thomas is stating here is your real friends are the ones who encourage you to do the best and to continue and succeed, not to encourage you to do something you know is wrong and can get you in trouble. Standing alone can sometimes be your only choice nowadays so you can live on to something correct. Nowadays people, most likely teenagers just want to “fit in”. When you try to fit in, it leads to choices you have to make. Usually the choices that lead you to choose the right or “fit it” usually comes from your friends. There are always the good and bad influences in your life. Friends can be the best people that help complete our life, but friends should encourage you to be and do the best not encourage to a wrong. Choose the correct friends will lead you on a good path, even if sometimes you result standing alone.
   A great example that would fit in this well stated quote by Thomas are the teenagers nowadays. Nowadays when you “fit in” as a teenager; it's all about what you wear,what you buy, who you hang out with, who has a latest items, who does the cool thing of “drugs”,etc. Teenagers nowadays see the use of drugs and smoking as something “cool”, but what's cool about it ? To be honest with you, their is always at least that one teenager who does these thing and he can be your “friend” too, maybe one day you guys hang out and he offers you to try it out. Choosing the right in this case is to just say no to drugs, peer pressure results in this. Walking away help, even if that means ending and relationship with a group of “friends” because of bad actions.Standing alone can sometimes be the resolution to continue being well.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Duties and Responsibilities: Nurses are found in hospital. Being a Nurse can mean different thinks. In the career profession of being a nurse they have different positions. Nurses are in charge of taking care of the patients in the hospital. They are responsible to help prepare for the doctor on your visit. These professionals monitor your medical history, they do a physical on you, they manage your medications,etc. Nurses care for you being they hand you to the doctor. Nurses also educate others on the best choices to make to help an individual in a disease or diet plan. Nurses can be also located in private physician offices, nursing care facilities, home health care clinics, and for the government. 

Salary: $66,640 (depends your position)

Education: To become a nurse you need an Associates Degree in Nursing, it is a 2 year degree that is offered at community colleges and hospital related schools that help prepare for nursing care. They also need a Bachelors Degree in Science for nursing, its offered at colleges and universities. To add too Nurses are required to go for training and pass a licensing exam. 

Demand for this particular career: 16% growth by 2024
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?" Why or why not?
I would not consider to be a nurse, but i chose this topic because a family member of mine is on the path to become one. As the younger family member i see my older family members and see what they are doing with their life. As i grown up, based on the career choice they are doing i would like to learn more about it. Being a nurse sound like and easy but difficult job. I see being a nurse means having a lot of patients and care for to help others through sickness and health. I may not have an interest in becoming a nurse, but i do know my older family member will enjoy it.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Student Success Statement

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself" -Noemi Trigueros

A CTR person is the most closes you are be to being a champion. Champions are those who have conquered and reach success towards something. If you choose the right, you will be the right and be conquered to the finals you have already won. Being a CTR person everyone wins and becomes a champion. Choose the right, feel the right, conquer the right. If you do the correct decision of choosing the right you will be the right and be always considered as a champion. Who doesn't want to be a champion and feel good about it, be a CTR person and you will do well. CTR will bring you positive in yourself, others, and your surroundings. CTR will make you a better person. Out of the championship their is all around us, there is only 1 but that doesn't involve when being a CTR person. 
This quote clearly states that if you Choose the Right you will be a champion for a lifetime.
CTR is when you choose the right. When you choose the right you are doing the correct things, you are being obedient, no lying involve, staying away from drugs and alcohol use, no cussing, no littering,etc. CTR helps make yourself, others, and your environment improve and be in well being. As great example to fit this quote, Noemi Trigueros is stating to us is being a CTR person in general. PBeing a CTR person is making the correct choices to help improve and make a better well being in yourself and others. As time fly's, the longer you are as a CTR person the more accomplishment and success you have made towards other. With these achievement you have already conquered of being a champion. You have become the champion from the start. Choosing the Right gives you better lifestyle choices to help improve others seeings and reasoning that also effects you to become a better human being.
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Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Environmental Health Specialist are the specialist who focus on health for a person. Environmental Health specialist focus on our area. They are also called health inspectors or safety inspector. They are responsible to determine health hazards and transform them to good health.  These inspectors check our surrounding around our community. For example, they are in charge of inspecting how clean and what violates the health hazards that affect us, they check resturants,stories,factories,schools,nursing homes, hospitals, dentist, etc. T=As they inspect they are in charge of collecting sample of air,water,pollutions,etc to test the sample if they can harm our health.
Salary: $37,300 - $57,551
Education: Environmental Health Specialist are required to have a bachelor degree in the work of physical sciences,public health,chemistry,biology, and environmental engineering. Then based on the position you would like to work, if you decide you want to work especially for the government they need to complete a certified course by the state. Besides that, also to become a environmental health specialist they would need to go through training and certification through a National Environmental Health Association.
Demand for this profession: Grow between 10% - 20% by 2024.
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Reflection: I would consider to become an Environmental Health Specialist so i can help others. I feel that because of these specialist where are sick free and we are not in a so bad pollution. Without these health specialist we can eat and be intoxicated with bacteria that can get us sick. If i were to become a health specialist i can help changed the world and improve someone well being. I would somewhat consider this profession.