Monday, February 27, 2017

Student Success Statement

“Right is right when entire”
-Victor Hugo

Choosing the Right is the good path to always making and planning good decisions that can affect you positively in the future. This quote is saying that no matter you tell the truth, you still miss that one part which is still considered bad, the saying will still be considered a lie. The truth is only the truth if it is sayed full and complete. The truth is being able to say something without the hiding of anything bad, the truth is being honest with each others. Telling the truth is being honest. Therefore, telling the truth is just one characteristic of being a CTR person. Being a CTW is telling partial truth, which is wrong. Telling the truth will lead you into grateful things, it can lead you to avoid harmful situations. For example, it can exceed you from getting in trouble for an action you may have not committed. Telling the truth as a whole is right, because it is being said entirely true.

A great example to follow up this quote is being a CTW person when given the trust and honesty of one another. For example, taking credit for other people idea without giving credit to the actual person. To continue, when taking credit of another is being somewhat truthful. Why? Because, when you take someone else's idea it it’s partially your idea as well, but you don’t give half the other credit to the other. Anyways, choosing the right will give you a right path ahead of you and avoid different situation. Keeping the honesty and trustworthy others have for you is a great way to keep by using the truth.Image result for victor hugo

The Naturopathic Doctor

The Naturopathic Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: A Naturopathic Doctor is a health care provider that treats others using nature. They use modern science and medical practice that use anything herbal. These doctors are trained to use healing methods that cure the whole body. Naturopathic doctors use traditional herb practice as treatment for their patients. They are responsible to examine and perform test on you to identify the illness, to add on when identifying they discuss treatment with you. Usually they provide different options of treatment and how they benefit you in a good or bad way. Naturopathic responsibilities are understanding the well-being of a patient, connect and communicate easily with the patient, knowledge of  business and managing practices, and being comfortable in talking with the patient over health problems and treatment.
Salary: $74,710
Education:  To become a Naturopathic you are required to have a Bachelor's degree, a Master’s Degree, and certification. Also to become a Naturopathic to become certified you must pass an exam.  According to American Naturopathic Certification Board, those who are certified are required to continue taking courses on Naturopathic relation to prepare for their upcoming career.
Demand and Need for this profession: 12% increase by 2024
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Reflection: I wouldn’t and am not interested in becoming a Naturopathic Doctor. I do not desire to have a career in the medical field. I found that this job is one of the medical field that use natural herbs,etc and no use of machines or technology. I believe that going natural is better than anything computerized or created. This job seems interesting and well for maybe one of my family members who desires to be in the medical field. This career pathway isn’t for me.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Marine Corps Physical therapy
Duties and Responsibilities: Marine Corps are a branch of the U.S Army force for protection and teaming up with the Navy to take duties on land, sea, and air. A Marine Corps physical therapist is to help others and practice orthopedics around the world. Marines treat patients around the world with their ways. Marines physical therapists help the Marines and Sailors treat injuries during time of service. They are prepared physically and mentally to act fast to help the Marines and Sailors out when needed. Marine Corps different medical career pathways they offer are Nursing, Dentistry, Physicians, and Health Care Administration.
Salary:$85,000 - $125,00
Education: To become a Marine Corps Physical therapist you are required to attend a Officer Development school program. In This program you are teached the responsibilities, military structure, history, and leadership skills. Also you must have a degree in physical therapy from an Physical therapy institution with a G.P.A of 3.0 or higher and a Masters in science or doctoral in physical therapy.
Demand or need for this profession: The demand for this career profession in the Marine Corps is in great demand, they are recruiting people.
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Reflection: I personally wouldn’t be interest in joining the Marine Corps or any of the U.S Military branches. I choosed to do my focus on the Marine, because one of my relatives was going to join the Marines she was in training, but ended up not qualifying because of age and height matter. I wouldn’t join any of the U.S. branches because it personally isn’t in my interest.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
-George Washington
This quote is shared with us today in honor of yesterdays presidents day. In this quote is it sharing with us that those who you surround yourself is who you will become. In this quote those who you surround yourself you will pick up their habits, character will build up like them, and you will eventually become one of them.  Also, if those people you surround yourself aren't those that do you good then you must leave them behind and focus on a good reputation on yourself, if there isn’t an individual who can be suited for you than it’s better to be alone. Friend can’t always be the best effect on your, but they can be the greatest people in your life. Friends have pro and cons characteristic that you can eventually build up to be the best around. Those who you socialize that are bad example should be left behind and should try to find someone to socialize that will do you better. Out of everyone in your world, if their isn’t many you can associate you can follow on being alone. Being alone isn’t bad, it helps continue being yourself and doing the right. The good people you surround yourself will lead you to being a CTR person and taking the correct path. To add on great example that can follow up this statement are two different group of friends, each one always have a CTR and CTW person. In the group with a CTR person is in a group with those who help each other out, are kind, help you evolve, encourage you, give you confidence,etc. In the other group, their is only one CTR student and the rest are CTW student. In this group they call each other names, they make you chose wrong, they encourage you to do bad decisions, and you eventually develop bad characteristics. To conclude, the differences in both group can determine who you become. Those you surround can have a impact on you greatly.
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Mental Health Counselor

Mental Health Counselor

Duties and Responsibilities:  Mental Health Counselors are counselors who treat mental issues or illnesses.  Mental Health counselor duties consist of helping others with mental issues. For example, personal situations and/or physical illnesses. These counselors usually work with those who have bipolar disorder, a recent death of a loved one, a divorce, a physical being, stress, abuse, etc. Mental Health Counselor are responsibility to be open mind and help you out without being judge. Treatment usually consist of therapy. Mental Health counselors work in health teams which consist of doctors, nurse specialist, social worker,etc.
Salary: $45,080 yearly

Education: To become a Mental Health counselor it is mandatory to have a master’s degree and have a state license. To become a certified Mental Health Counselor they must take and pass the minimum score in the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). In this examination it focuses on the different mental health fields that include counseling and professional focus.

Demand or need for this profession: 19% by 2024

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Reflection: I believe that I will probably consider to becoming a Mental Health Counselor it seems like a great job focus on helping others with their problems. I personally i’m not the best in helping others but i try and do my best. I see if i consider to become a Mental Health Counselor i can evolve and focus my learning on how to become a better communicator and use it for good. With this focus i know i can excel and become a better communicator and use it for good to help others.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Presidents Day

Presidents Day
Presidents Day is an American holiday in the United States that is celebrated yearly on the third monday in February. This upcoming Monday is the third monday of february, February 20, 2017. Presidents Day is a day of remembrance of President George Bush. This day is also known as George Bush birthday. This holiday began when President Bush became part of the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act which is, the act to create three day weekends for workers around the nation. Also, because he was one who honored and respect the creation of world know national monuments including the Washington Monument. Other views to see President's Day as is to honor those who have been our presidents from the past, including Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy,etc. Presidents Day is also a combination of George Bush and Abraham Lincoln's birthday. To honor and respect this day we can pay respect to the Washington Monument, show up on Election day and cast a vote, serve our country in a positive way, be thankful to another and what we have, give respect to our president, etc. Some other informations that pertains to presidents day is usually at school throughout the week sometime students get the chance to gain knowledge what this holiday actually is. For example, I didn’t know the history behind this holiday so its something good to have learned today. Another fact is that, Presidents Day is a federal holiday and each state has the right to call and/or celebrate the holiday to celebrate or not
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentines Day

Valentine's Day
What is Valentine's day? Valentine’s day is held on February 14, a yearly day when you send or share love with a love oned or anonymously.  Valentine’s day is the day we celebrate the death for Saint Valentine. It is a day as another holiday for the Romans, the Lupercalia. A man name Valentinus was martyred on February 14. Being martyred is suffering or being sentenced to death as a penalty  for renouncing your religion. Valentine Day is the day for we celebrate this Saint. Saint Valentine was the saint who was responsible for love related things and for the engaged and happily married. Saint Valentine was the one who watches over the lives of others. During the time of the Romans, Emperor Claudius the second banned marriage. He banned marriage because he believed that the married men were  and will result in being the bad soldiers, because it was the time of war. To add on, Valentine saw Emperor Claudius beliefs unfair and arranged marriages in secret. Eventually when Claudius found out what Valentine was doing he threw Valentine in jail and sentenced him to death. During his time in jail, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of the jailer and on the day he was sentenced to killed he shared and wrote the jailer's daughter a letter. In the letter that Valentine sent it had a saying as we still used today, “ from your Valentine”. After sometime Valentine death, the Romans held a festival called Lupercalia. In this festival the church wanted to turn this festival into a day of remembrance of Valentine. Afterall St. Valentine started to be used as a way to express your emotions to others. As for today’s Valentine's day celebration is shared worldwide. Yearly on Valentine's day our emotions towards others are shared with chocolate, flowers, stuffed animals, roses,etc.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Student Success Statement

“In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalpost are”
-Arnold H. Glasgow
This quote gives a statement that you won’t go far in life and achieve if you don’t have any goals. In this quote it is being compared to the sport of football. In football in order to score some points in your team you need to get the football to the goalpost. The goalpost in football is our goalpost in life. Also, it explains that if you do not know or have any goals in the future you won’t reach your goals and achieve them. The goalpost is our main thing we need for our future achievement. In this class our goal post can be reach from our goals journal. Our goals journal is our set and a step closer to reach and score in the goalpost. In order to achieve we need to set more goals, even if we don’t know where our goal post stands, but we will find it. Therefore, knowing how far that goal you have in mind you will set more goals to get you that set closer to achieve and score. In order to score in the goalpost you must go in a little by little step process.
A great example that can follow up this quote a pyramid. A pyramid has so many steps. Picturing a pyramid with all these steps, each step represent one goal, but each step has a serious of steps behind it. In the pyramid in order to step up and go higher you must set goals to go a step higher. In general this particular pyramid has millions of step, and the main top point is your goal accomplish. To achieve and accomplish your goal you need to give the time,effort, and courage. Goals will not be achieved by themselves, we need to give the effort and time to complete this goal. Goals are done little by little, each step counts along the way.

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Career of my Choice

Business Manager
Duties and Responsibilities: A Business manager is a person who analyzes and manages a certain small or large company. They are in charge of making the sales and marketing that benefits the company. The duties that include for being a Business manager is hire and train new employees, create budgets, set deadlines, and lead the different groups on different jobs. They are motivators and mentors to others to do your job correctly and finish by the deadline.On the other side note, when workers don’t succeed on the job they have the decision to keep them and help them improve their performance or fire them and find a new person.
Salary: $98,000 to $119,460 per year.
Education: To become a business manager you are required to have a bachelor's degree in business management, good verbal communication and writing skills, and training. In the training as to become a Business Manager you need to train and be ready to what is expected. As a business manager you should be prepared to go through money and organization chaos, manage money right, make precise decisions, and try to do good with others.
Demand or need for this profession: 6% by 2024
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Reflection: I personally would like but wouldn’t like to be a business manager. My future career interest would like to be in business management, but then i’m not sure if business management is for me. I would like to try different things and experience if business management is for me. So far the business field is in my interest and i might considered being a type of Business Manager.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Student Success Statement

“Only those live who do good”
-Count Leo Tolstoy
This quote is very inspirational and very achieving. This quote is saying that doing good is the best thing to do and doing good is what makes you feel good about yourself. On the other half, doing bad will just make you feel guilty and wrong. You only have one life and you must make the best out of it.Therefore, choose the best things to do good and make it something good for yourself. Doing what's good can make others feel good towards others. In this quote, enjoy your life while you have it and make the best out of it. Making the best out of your life can be really great, because no one knows how much you time you have left in this world. Following up, choosing the right is what is going to lead you to that great life. Choosing the right will introduce you to good choices that you can use to influence yourself, others, community, and maybe even the world.

To follow up to this quote, a great example that was shared with us was the recent Super Bowl. This past weekend the 51th Super Bowl occur. In all of NFL history, this was the first super bowl that went overtime. In this super bowl it was a 50/50 chance for both teams. In this Super Bowl the New England Patriots took their win. On this team their is now a 3x time winner in football SuperBowl history. He and his team play a big role in teamwork, citizenship, integrity,etc. They took that win with great effort and achievement, and they hope to continue each year in the Super Bowl. In conclusion, with the win of the patriots Tom Brady dedicated the game to his mother. Therefore he did good, he gave more effort because the game was all about his mom. Tom Brady’s mom recently has been going through chemotherapy all football season. Because of this family situation Tom Brady did what he can and gave his fullest with his team to do their best. The final goal of the game was 34-28 to the Falcons.

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Medical Scientist

Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical Scientist are professionals who research to improve human health. They are responsible to find answers to illnesses and how it can be prevented.  Medical Scientist learn different disease, they work in the lab conducting experiments, and they focus on biochemistry and human anatomy. This career is under the biomedical science. Medical Scientist work in clinics, labs, etc. In the career they work with others, because more than one head works better than one.

Salary: $82,240 annually

Education: To become a Medical Scientist you need to earn your Phd or a doctoral degree, professional medical degree, and have a high school diploma. To earn your doctoral degree it can take 6-8 years to earn. For example, in a doctoral it takes 6 years, but in a professional medical degree it can take up to 8 years. In school Medical Scientist focus on topics like; cell structure, biomedical science, biochemistry, biology,etc. They need to learn the different things that happen in the body so they can do their best to help others out in their health.

Demand or need for this job: 8% by 2024
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Reflection: I wouldn’t want to become a Medical Scientist, because i do not have a big interest in the medical or science field. I personally, do not find this as my personal interest. As well, it is not my strongest subject that i learn easy. I find the learning and focus on the body one of the hardest things to process in my head and learn about. Becoming a Medical Scientist isn’t for me.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Student Success Statement

“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and that can be change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change that”
-Dr. Ben Carson
Ben Carson a great role model and great example, poverty shouldn't held us back. Ben Carson is in the position he is now, because great amount of effort and knowledge. Ben Carson main tools to get out of poverty and live the lifestyle he lives in now is being well-educated and never giving up on your dreams and beliefs. This quote by Ben Carson, it explains to us that what you want for your future is just a dream/goal, in order to achieve it you must work for it. You got to give to get. Therefore, in Ben Carson wanting to be out of poverty he work hard to become someone. Ben Carson and his family didn’t let poverty or the fact of being the lowest level person in school held him back. What you are told or what you are surrounded by anything negative, shouldn’t impact your future decision. What you are surrounded should be your inspiration on what you want to do and be in the future. It should be you inspiration to work hard and be the best.
A great example to follow up this quote is, Ben Carson’s mother. Ben Carson didn’t let poverty affect her decisions for herself or her sons. She desire not let poverty get to her head and be a victim. For Example, welfare. She had the choice of being on welfare, but she said no and worked hard to get her money and needs. Ben Carson's beginning all began with his mother. Having the knowledge and effort will get you places in life.
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Sports is an activity involving physical movement and a skill as an individual or team. When in sports you are considered an athlete. A athlete is an individual who plays a physical sport and/or game. I choose the topic of sports, because i am a student-athlete. I enjoy sports and find them as a way to relieve myself and be involved with my school to evolve as an individual. Sports are aggressive and competitive, it’s a great way to relieve yourself. There are different type of sports; team sports, outdoor sports, and individual sports. Sports are for athlete who have the skill to play in a certain team sport. Some example of sports are; volleyball, wrestling, swimming, waterpolo, hiking, canoeing, walking, track and field, sprinting, running, skating, basketball, etc. There are various amount of sports to choose from and learn to do. There are pros and cons to doing sports. For example some pros; you enjoy playing, you learn something new, condition, improve health, you meet new people, you participate with others, etc. Some example of cons; can be discourage, hurt yourself, get in the way of school, not have fun, stress yourself out,etc. Sports can be the best, but they can be bad too. Worldwide there are a total of 45 million kids in sports, more 50% of students play sports. Sports are beautiful and a great thing to involve in your life.Image result for team sportsImage result for team sports

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Student Success Statement

“Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT.”
-Russell M. Nelson
This quote is very clear stated, what this quote says is being a follower isn’t going to do much good for you. Doing what is not the correct thing to do will never be the right thing to do, even if everyone is doing it. Russell quote is very well stated and it does apply to a lot of what happens in the world today. As said by Mr. Nelson, doing what others do will never be the right thing to do. Doing what others do, especially if you know it’s wrong, will never make it the correct thing to do. The only thing it will do is just make the problem a bigger thing to handle. Choosing the wrong will always be wrong, even if millions of people will do it. We live by a set of rules and laws that contribute to the best for us, if not followed it can cause us problems leading to consequences. Choosing the right will never be considered wrong. Being a CTR person will lead you to a path of greatness. Don’t be a bad follower and do what you know is best.
A great example that would fit in this situation is peer pressure to do drugs. Doing drugs will always be bad, you doing it will not make it any better. Peer pressure isn’t always the brightest thing in the world, but we need to control it. Being peer pressured to drug is an act of CTW. In this situation you are forcing someone to do something they shouldn’t and you are encouraging them to do something that is wrong. The best thing to do is this situation is ignore it, walk away, etc to not commit an act of wrong.Who cares if everyone is doing it, wrong will never be considered right.
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Bora Bora
Any place in the world would be, Bora Bora. Bora Bora is a small island found in the French Polynesia. Bora Bora is a small place part of France, it is also known as Tahiti. This small island is made up of 118 small islands in one. It is a fascinating place to visit for relief. Bora Bora is a animal free place. Their is not a single animal found there, it’s completely animal free. Another interesting fact about Bora Bora. it’s known as the “Romantic Island”, because of it beautiful peaceful isolation views. It’s a great place to be with someone really close in a very clean environment. On the island, it ocean is so divine. The water is so clear that you can see the animals in the water clearly. This island is in the top 100 best beaches in the world. I would like to one day attended a nice vacation with a family or friend at Bora Bora. A final fact, Bora Bora is a Hollywood destination. Many famous stars, actors, youtubers,etc have visited Bora Bora. I chose Bora Bora, because i always had a vision of myself visiting this place. Bora Bora looks like a fascinating place to visit. As a long term goal I would like to visit Bora Bora one day.
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