Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Duties and Responsibilities:
Chiropractors are doctors who work with patients to help them feel relief from your back, neck, joints, and headaches without using medications and surgery. Chiropractor are specialist who focus on any pain relation to the your bones,muscles,ligaments, and tendons. They are workers who have goals that they reach to help other out and have tremendous amount of creativity and expectations. They are required to interview the patient to identify and understand the issue they are feeling.They providing treatment by massages, exercises, and spinal help and adjustment. Chiropractors also are found and work in private clinics and work in hospitals too. They collaborate with physical therapist and doctors.

Salary: $118,551-$192,320

Education: Chiropractors are required to have a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree and/ professional certificate. Chiropractors are also required to have at least 5 years of experience, the more experience they have the more they understand of what they must be doing. Chiropractors also have an exam they must pass, National Board Tests or state examination to become certified.

Demand for this profession: Employment to become a Chiropractor is expected to increase 28% by 2018, it is in demand for health care reasons.
chiropractic career outlook goodImage result for chiropractor

  I would want to become a Chiropractor, to become one of theses specialist you must know your limits. This Chiropractor also fall under the medical field. My future career interest doesn’t fall under the medical field. I feel this job is in between for me, because i don’t know well to treat pain and i wouldn’t want that to affect my patients. This job seems well-rounded and great to help others feel relief from their pain.I would consider this career choice to my older siblings, because they have much interest in the medical field and know how to deal with pain.

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