Tuesday, September 27, 2016


LAUSD Student Services

Student services is working to help in difficult situations at home and surrounding that affects their education.  Student services include athletics, knowing what is going to be served throughout the day, school safety, graduation requirements, college and career information, online learning,etc.These are some examples on what was provided on the LAUSD website, these are student services to help us inform about our school district. These school services are important, because they practical sum up the student expectations in their education or daily life. I personally am in a sport, volleyball, and it's part of my daily life as a student-athlete. I never knew that LAUSD would have a certain place in their website relating to the student and their sport. I find this very helpful and very smart to apply the schools around LAUSD to post up for the student-athletes. Another, school safety is also very important to know. With this i can read and see how to not freak out in a situation, cause i do that. Also, graduation requirements and college and career information are very very helpful for me as well. These sections in the website help me get informed on what are the expectation to be able to graduate and with this knowledge i can know what courses to take to be one step closer in my career future choice. Finally, the last one was learning online section. We can learn online , but we can also use when we need help too. The LAUSD website has more than what i expected and i found that very good and useful.

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