Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ashley Rojas

"Do the best, to get the best, to make others the best"
Be you, be original. The most unique thing you can do is be yourself. Being yourself brings out a lot of good in you and positive beings too. This quote brings so much into one. For example; being helpful, being determined, doing good, helping others, helping the need, honesty,obedience,etc. This quote also relates to choosing the right. Choosing the right is just bringing good and obedience in your life. When obeying you can do something good that can get to do something fun and help others out. What you do now is what determines the future. Be the best that leads to the best.

A great example to relate to my personal quote, is just helping one another, your community, family, people you know, or even strangers. Imagine one day you go to the store and you buy your needs and once you are out you see someone who is having trouble or is in need for some money. I personally give sometimes $1 to the ones in need or if not buy them some canned food or food in general. When you do this you are helping someone out and you make these peoples life easier. As you finish and walk to your vehicle you see cans and trash blocking your way out in your car. In some cases others to pass to the side, but you decide to pick them up and put them in the recycle or trash can. In this case you are doing the best to make a change in our earth and environment. All these good deeds you do in this certain day affect these others in a positive way, they spread this good deed along. Do the best, to get the best, to make others the best so it can pass on. Image result for good deedsImage result for good deeds

Ear, Nose , and Throat Doctor

Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: Ear Nose and Throat doctors are professionals who focus for medical and surgical treatments related to any problems and also in the head and neck area. These doctors are also known as Otolaryngologist. In the ears they focus on hearing,infections, nerves, and disorders. In the throat they focus on treatment of diseases like in your esophagus that can result in trouble of swallowing and difference in your voice. In the nose they deal with sinusitis, when cavities around the nasal passage become inflated. Sinusitis is an infection in the nose.
Salary: $180,000 - $230,000 per year.
Education: Otolaryngologist are required to have at least 5 years in training in surgery, one year in general surgery, and four years in otolaryngology. These specialist need a medical  bachelors degree in science.
Demand or need for this profession: Profession needed, hope by 2025 profession increases by 2,000 new otolaryngologist.
Image result for otolaryngologistImage result for otolaryngologist
REFLECTION: I would not consider having this profession. This profession seems like a very easy job focus and pays very well. I wouldn’t see myself doing this job in the future even though it seems easy and pays well. This job is under the medical field. I personally am not interested to focus this career in my future. I do not have an interest in the medical field or anything that involves blood.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


"Obedience is central to becoming,being,and remaining happy."
Obedience brings the right. Obedience is choosing the right. Choosing the right comes with many positive and well doing aspect to do better for your own self and others. Obedience is key to doing something good and positive. When you obey you feel good and you bring good to others. David Bednar is stating something very forward, obedience is happiness. Obedience helps reduce the amount of problems and situation you can face with others. When in a horrible situation you can get into arguments that bring out negative energy and anger. On the other hand, when you obey you bring positioning and respect towards another that will bring joy and goodness.
When you obey you get and give respect, the opposite of that is you dont give respect and you dont earn respect. This is a clear saying of what this quote is saying. For example, when your mom ask you to just take out the trash. Many of the times you just directly do it, but today you just dont feel like it. You are choosing the wrong. Your mom currently isn't in the best mood, she goes up to you and ask you why you didn't take out the trash on the first call. In this situation you have chosen the wrong and have brought a dilemma. In the current situation he was being disobedient that will bring consequences that will not make you the happiest person at the moment. If you would have done the opposite and chose the right this would have not happen.
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LAUSD Student Services

Student services is working to help in difficult situations at home and surrounding that affects their education.  Student services include athletics, knowing what is going to be served throughout the day, school safety, graduation requirements, college and career information, online learning,etc.These are some examples on what was provided on the LAUSD website, these are student services to help us inform about our school district. These school services are important, because they practical sum up the student expectations in their education or daily life. I personally am in a sport, volleyball, and it's part of my daily life as a student-athlete. I never knew that LAUSD would have a certain place in their website relating to the student and their sport. I find this very helpful and very smart to apply the schools around LAUSD to post up for the student-athletes. Another, school safety is also very important to know. With this i can read and see how to not freak out in a situation, cause i do that. Also, graduation requirements and college and career information are very very helpful for me as well. These sections in the website help me get informed on what are the expectation to be able to graduate and with this knowledge i can know what courses to take to be one step closer in my career future choice. Finally, the last one was learning online section. We can learn online , but we can also use when we need help too. The LAUSD website has more than what i expected and i found that very good and useful.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Alex Linares

Choosing the Right
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
Your action are what determines most of what happens to you, what you do, and what others think of you. Choosing the right is the clear straight forward statement to say to prevent so much bad. This quote by the student Alex, he is correct an what he is stating. Choosing the right and choosing the wrong can have big effects on you in different ways. Choosing the right is reality. This quote can be seen in different ways. This quote can be seen as a life lesson, a character lesson, a lesson, etc. Never choose the wrong, because its the wrong thing to do. This is the opposite to the student quote. Choose the best to do the best. Your action are very towards yourself and others, choose the right.'

This quote can have many examples. This quote can have have negative and positive meanings to  your own self and others. A example, treat others how you want to be treated. Everyone  is treated differently by the way they treat other. When including the positive way to choose the right you will be treated in a manner of being treated nicely and correctly. Too oppose to that, when doing the wrong when you treat others with rudeness and disrespect you cannot expect the good type of respect back. How can you expect to be treated with respect when you treat others disrespectful. When choosing the right you choose positive and leads you too good. Choose the wrong and face the negative consequences. Choose the right is just the right thing to do.Image result for choosing the right
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologist are professional who focus on treating problem related to the skin. They focus on the skin, hair , and nails to treat conditions. These professionals focus on skin care.Dermatologist focuses on skin diseases and problem. For example, skin cancer. These professionals talks with the patient one on one to see what's the problem and what they can do to fix it. After knowing the problem they do an examination on the patient, sometimes this includes conducting an X-Ray. After that, they either decide to conduct surgery or prescribe a prescription. Dermatologist also do cosmetic surgery and surgery to get a desire look and help kill Skin cancer.
Education:To become a dermatologist it takes 12 years. Dermatologist are required to have a Medical Degree in medicine or osteopathic medicine that will take them 4 years.. They must have 3 years in training. They need a bachelor's degree majoring in advanced math, chemistry,biology,etc that will take them 4 years. Finally, they need 1-2 years of surgery training.
Demand for this profession: Demand to become a dermatologist is very highImage result for dermatologistsImage result for dermatologists
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?
I would maybe consider myself in become a dermatologist, but with the exception of surgery. I am not a big fan of blood or touchings others DNA that is in liquid form. I personally maybe would consider being a dermatologist,because it focuses on like your body view. Dermatologist focus on skin care, nails, and hair. Women focus on that to look their best. Besides that i wouldn't want to become a dermatologist, because it takes 12 years to be one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

John Wooden

Student Success Statement
   "What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player." 
This quote brings the reality to athletes. Being your own great self is much more worthy than being a great player. This quote is relating to Basketball players or to any players at all. I found this quote very deep and very true to reality. Nowadays athletes just wanna be the best in the sport that there own self change.This quote has such an affect on athletes. Being you is the best you can be than be the best as a player, Being yourself brings out the best of you and everything van just be positive. Communication, team work, collaboration,etc is what makes it possible as well to be a good player. These traits can be use to help and achieve more in positive ways. You can be a good person by doing this , but sometimes it is just not the best. Be you. Be the reality.
    I am a current Volleyball player here for the schools team, i have played games and we honestly don't win them all.  John Wooden has a lot of meaning behind this quote. What this quote impacts me on is no matter what the only person that matter is you not others.  I feel that when im in a game, as a volleyball player i may not have the same or act the same when i am in the court. To my team it might mean to be ready, but to me it really isn't. When i am in the court i try to be serious and do what it is asked and try to win the game. When i am out of the court I am a very lively person, i am always smiling, i am always happy and laughing, i am a good sport,etc. This quote says its better to be a great person than to be a great player. I find sports well, but it sometimes doesn't bring the real you in you. When you are in a sport you are competitive and just wanna win the game, but do you have fun ? This quote says it all, be a good person than a player. When you play it really doesn't matter to you, you just wanna win. Being a good person brings you more than just winning a match.
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Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Duties and Responsibilities: Chief Executive Officer is a CEO. A CEO is in charge of leading a company. They are responsibly to keep it on track, organized, make decisions, set goals, etc to help improve and maintain the company. They are in charge, no matter how big or small the company is they want to make it the best and achieve more. To be a CEO you must take charge on expenses too, you must know and make decision on when it’s best to give and not give money to help improve to benefit the company.
Salary: $579,728 - $938,583
Bachelor’s Degree Majoring in business administration
Master’s Degree Program in strategies in management, finance, organization and economic strategies and management.
Gain professional experience with companies
Demand for this particular career: Expected to grow 6% by 2024.
Image result for women ceo cartoonImage result for women ceo
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?
  When i grow up i would like to see myself in a career that focuses in business management or maybe in law. When i grow up i would maybe see myself doing this career. I always have looked into this career choice, but i don’t know if it would fit for me. I have this career choice interest to be a CEO in the future, but it’s not a guarantee. I would consider being a Chief Executive Officer, because it seems like a on going job that i could probably enjoy. I feel what fits for me for this job is the organization and goal setting. To complete to do this job i would have to focus more on management and decision making.  

Monday, September 19, 2016


Image result for pathros

"True Wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."
         When you think of wealth you think of money and people who have good amounts of money,but if you dig in deeper are they happy. Money isn't the key to happiness to yourself or others. Also Money can not buy happiness. What this quote tells me is what you do to others and yourself that is positive gives you more meaning in yourself than having all this amount of money. True wealth of the heart is choosing the right. Choosing the right can be related to so much that it just brings good. To break down this quote, this quote explains to me that being wealthy it doesn't matter its just the caring, kindness,love, etc you have for others instead of owning luxuries. Luxuries really don't do much too you, they are just a waste of money, yeah they make you happy but not all the time and not the same as other. Money can't buy happiness, and that is what comes from the heart not you purse. The true wealth of your heart brings greatness and loving care towards other, yourself, and your environment.
         Money cannot buy happiness, kindness, caring,etc. True wealth of the heart can be show in many ways. For example, having a family. There are two different type of families; one of them owns all the latest luxuries and have the big house and everything, then the others has a very small home with a family with nothing and is poor. This example shows the different economic these two families are, but besides the difference of the economics their also relate difference is the communication around the house. The wealthy family is wealthy by purse, the poor family is wealthy by heart. In the home of the wealth they spoil their children and the parents argue all the time, they believe getting what their kids want will make that happy, but they feel lonely inside. In the home of the poor they are rich with love and are happy, they might not have the most money in the world, but that try to make the best out of it. In conclusion, Would you rather be rich for life and unhappy with friends and family, or be happy knowing you have others more that matter than money. Would you choose money over happiness?  

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Dental Assistant take care of patients before the actual dentist take care of the patient. Dental Assistants help the dentist out during the check ups or surgery. For example, Dental Assistant hand material to the Dentist during checkup to help keep the patient's mouth dry and clear. Dental Assistants are also in charge of prepare material and information needed before dentist check on the patient's. It is their job to have everything needed to know for the Dentist to do. These assistants work in dental offices, they help out with patients needs that include appointments,questions, records, etc.
Salary: $34,740
Education: To become certified and become a Dental Assistant you must pass and become certified from an exam that focuses on the knowledge on what must be done. To become certified and take your test most take the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) and Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. These dental Assistants are required to take at least 2 year of training to know what must be down.
Demand or Need for this profession: Expected to grow by 18% by 2024
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not?
I wouldn’t really consider being a Dental Assistant, because it’s similar to the job of being a dentist. I personally find the job of a Dentist not very appealing, but its seems like an easy job. I wouldn’t want to become a Dental Assistant or a Dentist because I wouldn’t really enjoy putting my hand into someone else is mouth with their saliva and slobber all around.  I may not be interest, but i know someone that is probably training to be a Dental Assistant or a Dentist. Comparing myself to her she enjoys very well of what she might do in the future, but as for me I don’t find this career very appealing.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ezra T. Benson

Feel Right
   "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible"
   Your decision are what makes you who you are. Choosing the right makes good in you. Obedience is an example of choosing the right, choosing the right is living and doing the correct expectations. When you choose the right it leads you to do good to others, the environment,etc.  When you do something right for you or others, you feel some good in you.  Doing good gives you good feeling, doing bad doesn't really much give you good feeling. This quote explains that when doing wrong it is impossible to feel good. Why? When you do wrong you are not doing the right and you know its wrong too. When you decide to do wrong you know the consequences to it and you live up to them. According to Ezra, it is impossible to feel right when committing something wrong. Doing wrong isn't going to make you feel more good about others or your own self.
    Doing wrong cannot make you feel good in anyway. For example, littering. Littering is a good example of something bad that happens around the world constantly. When you litter you are just making a bigger problem to what it already is. When you litter you dont get anything good at it. Sometime when you are caught littering you can get fined $1,000 for choosing the wrong. To prevent this, when you choose the right you feel right. As for personal experience, I have a lot of trash around my community and it doesn't hurt me to help pick up around for a while. Sometime on my free time or when im walking around the city, i pick up trash and collect can to keep our area clean. This is a simple thing i do without anyone telling me to do, I feel good inside for doing the right and trying to help around. I feel the good doing the right, but not when i actually do the wrong. 
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Dentist are doctors who don’t focus on the inside of you body, they focus on the inside of your mouth. Dentist are specialist who focus on your mouth which includes, prevention in diseases and maintain healthy teeth, have special test and x-rays done of your mouth, they also perform surgery in any cause of help needed in your mouth, and check out your gums. When dentist perform surgery it is because a tooth needed to be removed and/or a cavity. Dentist main focus are your teeth. These specialist help maintain and inform you how to keep clean and healthy pearly whites with daily check ups. Besides the inside of your mouth, dentist also focus on our nervous system. This includes; muscles from our head,neck and jaw, tongue,etc. You may not notice, but when dentist check your teeth they don’t just look at your teeth they look for swellings,lumps,etc to identify and try to help reduce and prevent chances of a disease.
Average Salary: $69,790 per year.
To become a dentist you must meets some certain requirements. To become a licensed and registered Dentist you must have a Bachelor’s degree in dental school (4 years minimum) and a doctoral degree in dental medicine and/or dental surgery. After meeting your education requirement you can become licensed.
Demand or Need from this profession:
For the career choice to become a dentist up too 2024 they are expected to increase by 18%.

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not?

  I wouldn’t want to become a Dentist, because it’s a messy job and not much interesting. I personally wouldn’t want to become a dentist, because it’s hands on with a patient and  your having contact with saliva, blood, etc. I find it messy and disgusting to be in contact with other people germs.Being a dentist is not in my interest, but i do have a relative who will soon become one. My cousin is in school and very interested in what goes down in others mouth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad"

"When i do good, I feel good. When i do bad, I feel bad"
    This quote is a classic. This quote is just a clear saying of life. Life is full of good and bad decisions, that's just life. Those life choices you do result in feeling some joy inside or not. I always try to do, because the more I do, the better I do for others, and the more I feel good about myself. No one likes to feel bad about themselves, it's the just the choices they make. When you do good and start feeling the good you just want to continue in doing more good for yourself and others. In this quote by Abraham Lincoln he is saying, when he does something he either feels good or bad inside of him. Doing good leads you to more greatness, doing bad leads you to less greatness. Each action we commit comes with good or bad consequences, that's just how life is. But when you do good, you feel good. But when you do bad, you feel bad. Everyday we most likely do something good instead of bad, but we don't really notice the feeling within until we do something bad.
    When you do something bad, you feel like black and heat inside of you. For example, in your whole day at school your going through the hallways all crowded that you get to that certain spot were its just clear, but you gotta make it out. To get to that clear spot, you are being pushed by others and you end up hitting people and you hit a person and drop their textbooks. This is an example of doing bad, but to not feel so bad you help the person by picking up their textbook. This is an example from recovering your bad to a good. You see, when you drop the persons textbook you felt a bad within you, but when you helped them out to pick them up you felt good within you. Doing bad and good can come together or distance
.Image result for abraham lincoln