"Do the best, to get the best, to make others the best"
Be you, be original. The most unique thing you can do is be yourself. Being yourself brings out a lot of good in you and positive beings too. This quote brings so much into one. For example; being helpful, being determined, doing good, helping others, helping the need, honesty,obedience,etc. This quote also relates to choosing the right. Choosing the right is just bringing good and obedience in your life. When obeying you can do something good that can get to do something fun and help others out. What you do now is what determines the future. Be the best that leads to the best.
A great example to relate to my personal quote, is just helping one another, your community, family, people you know, or even strangers. Imagine one day you go to the store and you buy your needs and once you are out you see someone who is having trouble or is in need for some money. I personally give sometimes $1 to the ones in need or if not buy them some canned food or food in general. When you do this you are helping someone out and you make these peoples life easier. As you finish and walk to your vehicle you see cans and trash blocking your way out in your car. In some cases others to pass to the side, but you decide to pick them up and put them in the recycle or trash can. In this case you are doing the best to make a change in our earth and environment. All these good deeds you do in this certain day affect these others in a positive way, they spread this good deed along. Do the best, to get the best, to make others the best so it can pass on. 

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