Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
  1.   This class focuses technology, with the involvement of computers. Something that i liked about this class is the organization behind it. Every week when i would come into this class i already knew what i will be ask to do and what i will do of that day. This class organization was a success. Besides that, something else i liked about this class is how calm it is. In this class everyone is always doing their work, so the class is quit and peaceful. What made this class great was the combination of both organization and peace. 
  2. All classes have their pros and cons, this class has cons. What i dislike from this class is the grading and writing assignment. For myself what you ask me to do i will do,but sometimes i won't get meaning into it. For example, the Student Success Statement don't really have a meaning. As a student of this class, i don't personally take in all the student success quotes but i am mindful of them. I also dislike the grading, because their is no communication as for how you are being graded.
  3. I would suggest to make this class a class that will help your other classes. I would keep the typing practices, typing practice is good practice in this class. Therefore, what i would recommend is to make this a class where we can work but connect with everything we are doing in our other classes. If not, i would make this a class where we learn about computers. For example;  the basics, how to use it, what we can do on a computer, the benefits,etc. This class can be a class that can increase our knowledge about movement of technology. 
  4. My highlight for this class was actually typing, because i somewhat know how to type. Personally in the beginning of the semester i was bad at typing, but i have improved. According to my partner, i type fast and don't have many mistakes as others. I enjoy the practicing of typing, because it's a good learning process. I am slowly improving and will improve. Also, i liked how we have a goal journal. I myself set goals for myself, i like to accomplish. 
  5. I personally did my best in my class. Based on all assignments given i busted my butt to do the best. I personally am not satisfied with my grade for this class, because i honestly do not know how he grades our assignments. I personally work on this assignments with full energy and thought and i would write more than others. I honestly fell i would go beyond, but it's okay because i have an A. I feel i could have gotten a better grade, but i'm fine with what i have.
  6. I do not read my goals journal at least five minuets a day, because i only like to focus on one goal at a time. I personally evaluate and read my goals journal every once in a while to check up on myself. Besides that, i do evaluate back to it and so far i am doing well. Currently i have far past achieved my goal of more than 100 goals and been having victories. I am not leaving my goals journal behind, i will continue to set more goals as the days go. These goals have help me achieve more and evolve me physically.
  7. I am committed to being a CTR person, in fact i feel that i am already a step closer to being a CTR person. I feel that i personally don't disrespect anyone in no matter and i respect others. My motto is, respect others how you want to be treated. I personally do not want to be disrespected in any form so i like to be treated how i treat you. I feel that i am already committed to being a CTR person, but here and their i do commit bad choices. No one is perfect, we all commit mistakes.  

Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Success Statement

“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”
-Paul Hatch
Lying is not part of being a CTR person. Lying is something that once it’s done it will be repeating. Lying is a bad habit to develop and will be repeated more than once. Lying isn’t a good thing to do, it breaks reality and the truth. What this quote by Paul was said and his video, lying is done more than once. In Paul’s video, he gave very good reasons why lying is bad and what it leads too. As said as our Student Success Statement,’ When you tell one lie it leads to another”.  Repetition happens when telling lies and then your lies start to build up. When you lie it’s bad in every way, because you're not telling the truth. After telling one lie you can’t stop, so you eventually end up doing many more.  Lies can get you caught up with the truth that eventually you won’t know what was really said and can get you in even more trouble. Lying is a way to being a CTW person.

A great example that follows up this quote is cheating. I find cheating a way as lying, because you're being unfair and lying on the actions you are doing. A great example of cheating is when you're in a game or you're watching a game and you see something unusual. When you see cheating occurring you are committing actions that don't really represent the reality of you. Cheating is a form of lying, because you are lying about your actions. When lying about your actions that can get you somewhere in life, doors close. When you lie you are closing opportunities for yourself. Your actions have consequences.
Image result for lying is wrong

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Patrick Kearon

Patrick Kearon Personal Story

    In this story, it talked about the personal pain Patrick faced of a scorpion bite. His family were at a campsite in the desert, his parents told him to always wear shoes when he would walk out. This was an expectation and rule Patrick parents wanted him to face. One morning, Patrick decided he wanted to just walk around for a little bit, but instead of grabbing his shoes he wore his sandals.  He told himself, sandals are shoes. Before this decision making, he knew he was asked and expected to wear his shoes. For being a rebel and not following what he was asked he choose the wrong. Patrick actions led to consequences, his consequence was feeling pain in his legs from a scorpion bite. With pain and effort after this he yelled out for his parent, the nearest hospital was 2 hours away. Eventually he got to the hospital and they helped him out to avoid the pain and treat the bite. Patrick learned his lesson that day, what they tell you is for your own good. He learned that for being a rebel and lazy at the time he didn't do what was asked of him is for his own good and safety. Your bad actions have consequences. Always doing what is right, listening, helps prevent you from wrong.
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Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Always do right”
-Mark Twain
This three word statement is clearly said. From the words from Mark Twain,” Always do right”. What this statement is saying is to always choose the right. Being a CTR person gets you away from being a CTW person. Becoming a CTR person, you will always be able to identify the right from wrong. Having the ability of Choosing the Right gives you the ability to always do what is right. Doing wrong brings consequences, doing what is right brings you success and opportunities. Always doing the right brings you good in you life. When you do good you feel good. Choosing the Right is always doing right. Always doing the right gives you a good name and label on yourself. Good labels on yourself gives you a positive outlook to help you for a future opportunity and having good trust in others. Doing good helps you avoid the negativity and the guilt you can face, because your actions have consequences. When you do what is wrong, actions have consequences. These consequences can lead us to do wrong and have a bad image on yourself. Avoiding this can prevent mistrust of our bright future ahead of us.

A good example that will fit this quote is rules. Rules are given to us time to time and to add we have expectations. When we break rules and expectations others have for yourself we are doing wrong. Therefore, when we do what is right and follow expectations and rules we are doing right. Doing what is right will lead us to success. Other people in our life set up rules and expectation on us, because they know it will help us succeed. For example, teachers and staff members. Every teacher and staff member in the district and in high school want you to see each student graduate and have a future ahead of them. Every parent's desire is to see their children cross the stage and have a well future ahead of them. Always doing what is right will bring a good future.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World War 2

World War 2

  1. World War 2 was one of the most tragic wars in history. In this war their was more than 30 countries and more than 50 million deaths. World War 2 was a really long and deadly war, it took place from September 1, 1932 - September 2, 1945. This war was an estimate of 6 years time period. On December 7, it is a day when we remember from World War 2 of the bombing on Pearl Harbor by Japan. This bombing was an attack on the U.S. Naval Base, killing more than 2,400 Americans.
  2. This war was fought in Europe, Russia, North Africa and in Asia. In this war their was two groups of people; The Allies and the Axis Power.  Each group had certain countries. For example, the Allies group included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, and the Soviet Union, China and the U.S. This war began after Hitler wanted to control Europe, he wanted Germany to control Europe.This war took place everywhere; from Europe to East Asia, to the pacific ocean and China.
  3. Some events that led to the beginning of World War 2 was; in 1939 Japan attacked China and in 1939 Germany invaded Poland.  This war was global between different countries. In the 1940; Germans attacked western Europe which is France and the lower countries under it. Also, The Battle of Britain ends in the defeat for Nazi Germany and much more happened. Also, Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. On December 1941, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and then declare war leading U.S. in involvement. Many events lead to the involvement of countries in this war.
  4. On December 7th we would like to honor those veterans by, just giving thanks. We can show our gratitude by giving back to them, visiting those who are still alive. Some simple things include, just making them smile. We can also write a thank you letter and helping out to one another.
  5. Image result for ww2

Friday, December 2, 2016

Student Success Statement

“The 3 Questions:
  1. Can people trust me to do what’s right?
  2. Am i committed to doing my very best?
  3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?
If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail”
What these statement says is a great way to ask yourself before any game as an athlete and to determine a decision in situations. These questions i find them very meaningful to ask yourself what will you choose and how will you result in before anything. Personally, i have sometimes ask myself these questions to identify myself the change that is wrong in sports and myself wise. These questions are a good way to ask yourself to see the range you are in in certain situations. As said by Mr.Holtz, if you answer yes to any of these questions there is no way you will fail and you will succeed. The first rules, focus on trust. Trust come from no type of bad labels on you like lying. The first rule applies to having success, because when having the trust you will do what’s right in the situation you are facing. The second question focus on effort, Basically, in anything coming from school work and sport, what you give is what you get. Lastly, the third and final question focuses on respect. No one likes to be disrespected even if it's a “friendly” way. The way you treat other is the way you will be treated back. With the combination of all three question, success will happen. Success comes with effort,respect, and trust all together to accomplish what you desire to accomplish.
A great example that can fit in for these three set of questions and quote Mr.Holtz said, athletes. Athletes compete with others to show others what they have practice for and effort given in a sport. As an athlete you always want to be at the highest level, Varsity. Varsity in the highest level group in a team, but it comes with difficulties and learning. Therefore, to make it too varsity you have to go step by step to reach your goal. These three sets of question can comply to reaching your goal of being in Varsity. Varsity players commit to effort, respect each others and have good labels on themselves to listen to each others. These three goals are a great example that applies to athletes, because athletes are competitive and want to take win’s, but that can’t always happen. Games are played fairly and they are played on how much effort you give. As an athlete you give what you get which determines your success.

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Challenges Teens Face Today

Challenges Teens Face Today
  1. The major challenges teens face today are bullying in any form, cyber-stalking,sex, drugs and alcohol, grades, broken homes, violence (Desensitization), self-esteem and body image, child abuse, peer-pressure and competition, eating disorders,etc. These examples are faced everyday, at least 2 or more of these challenges teen faces daily.
  2. Two major challenges i deal with today is self-esteem and body image, as well as competition in both school and sports. It’s hard and stressing to keep up to be as “good” at the others. It is just High School.
  3. Being a CTR person makes you realize what is right from wrong. Choosing the right can help you identify and make reason what is the best things to do in situations and overcome them by disregarding harm in yourself and others. CTR was made for the good to be found in people and help them solve certain situations.
  4. I believe we can help other teenager to overcome their challenges by educating them and bringing awareness for those who need it. For example, those who face problems at home or outside of school. Based on the certain situation, we can bring awareness to help them out and educate them on what best to do in situations.
  5. Image result for challenges teens face todayImage result for challenges teens face today
  6. Reflection: What is the greatest need that teens?

I believe as we get older and reach that age of a teenager, all we care about is ourselves and who the best and well-known. I can say that, the greatest need as a teenager is to fit in, look best and do the best in school and sports, and just be a person who you can be around. That would be the “perfect” ideal person. Nowadays, it just reflect on the type of person we are and how we look at. Usually the case, if you are facing one problem you either lead it on to others and/or it gives more problems to yourself.