Thursday, December 8, 2016

Patrick Kearon

Patrick Kearon Personal Story

    In this story, it talked about the personal pain Patrick faced of a scorpion bite. His family were at a campsite in the desert, his parents told him to always wear shoes when he would walk out. This was an expectation and rule Patrick parents wanted him to face. One morning, Patrick decided he wanted to just walk around for a little bit, but instead of grabbing his shoes he wore his sandals.  He told himself, sandals are shoes. Before this decision making, he knew he was asked and expected to wear his shoes. For being a rebel and not following what he was asked he choose the wrong. Patrick actions led to consequences, his consequence was feeling pain in his legs from a scorpion bite. With pain and effort after this he yelled out for his parent, the nearest hospital was 2 hours away. Eventually he got to the hospital and they helped him out to avoid the pain and treat the bite. Patrick learned his lesson that day, what they tell you is for your own good. He learned that for being a rebel and lazy at the time he didn't do what was asked of him is for his own good and safety. Your bad actions have consequences. Always doing what is right, listening, helps prevent you from wrong.
 Image result for scorpion

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