Student Success Statement
“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.”
-Brigham Young
This quote by Brigham Young is in relation with Choosing the Right. Choosing the Right can be related to this quote by doing what rights to avoid problems. Brigham lived by the code of conduct which help him live right and enjoy independence and freedom. Freedom and independence is lived by those who choose the right. Those who choose the right avoid the consequences when choosing the wrong. True independence and freedom is only guaranteed when choosing the right. Brigham Young was someone who chose the right and lived by the code of conduct. To add on the code of conduct and choosing the right can be something in one we should all live by. Choosing the Right and living by the code of conduct will benefit us in our future life. Choosing the Wrong will bring bad actions with consequences leaving you with choices you have to make to pay off what you did wrong. Your freedom and independence can slowly be taken away from you.
A great example that can follow up this quote is Brigham Young himself. As an individual he lived by his code of conduct which helped him choose the right. The code of conduct is a daily set of goals he lived by. For example; no foul language, no use of drugs or alcohol, no cheating,etc. He lived his daily life with freedom and independence. He never had a problem, because og his code of conduct. His code of conduct benefitted him by avoid trouble. Therefore, keeping is freedom and independence.