“You will go far with CTR”
CTR is the right way to go. CTR is the path we should all go and live by. This quote is emphasizing that if you choose the right you will go far in life, CTR is nothing but great habits and doings you do for yourself, others, and your environment around. If you want to succeed in life, choosing the right is the choice. Choosing the Right is a good habit to develop. Choosing the right will help you grow as an individual. Choosing the Right consist of making great choices, helping others, being responsible, etc. With CTR you will strive and grow to your best ability. You must work to get to where you wanna be in life. CTR is the right choice that will make you feel great about yourself and your surroundings. Maintain a good you and positivity around you with CTR.
An example that can fit with CTR, is helping others. Let say, your friend is having trouble completing their math hw and they ask you to let them copy your work. Don’t let them. A CTR person would help and guide them through the learning process and avoid the trouble that could have occurred if CTW, was chosen of letting them copy. CTR is full of great actions and doing. 
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