Presidents Day
Presidents Day is an American holiday in the United States that is celebrated yearly on the third monday in February. This upcoming Monday is the third monday of february, February 20, 2017. Presidents Day is a day of remembrance of President George Bush. This day is also known as George Bush birthday. This holiday began when President Bush became part of the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act which is, the act to create three day weekends for workers around the nation. Also, because he was one who honored and respect the creation of world know national monuments including the Washington Monument. Other views to see President's Day as is to honor those who have been our presidents from the past, including Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy,etc. Presidents Day is also a combination of George Bush and Abraham Lincoln's birthday. To honor and respect this day we can pay respect to the Washington Monument, show up on Election day and cast a vote, serve our country in a positive way, be thankful to another and what we have, give respect to our president, etc. Some other informations that pertains to presidents day is usually at school throughout the week sometime students get the chance to gain knowledge what this holiday actually is. For example, I didn’t know the history behind this holiday so its something good to have learned today. Another fact is that, Presidents Day is a federal holiday and each state has the right to call and/or celebrate the holiday to celebrate or not

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