Student Success Statement
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
-George Washington
This quote is shared with us today in honor of yesterdays presidents day. In this quote is it sharing with us that those who you surround yourself is who you will become. In this quote those who you surround yourself you will pick up their habits, character will build up like them, and you will eventually become one of them. Also, if those people you surround yourself aren't those that do you good then you must leave them behind and focus on a good reputation on yourself, if there isn’t an individual who can be suited for you than it’s better to be alone. Friend can’t always be the best effect on your, but they can be the greatest people in your life. Friends have pro and cons characteristic that you can eventually build up to be the best around. Those who you socialize that are bad example should be left behind and should try to find someone to socialize that will do you better. Out of everyone in your world, if their isn’t many you can associate you can follow on being alone. Being alone isn’t bad, it helps continue being yourself and doing the right. The good people you surround yourself will lead you to being a CTR person and taking the correct path. To add on great example that can follow up this statement are two different group of friends, each one always have a CTR and CTW person. In the group with a CTR person is in a group with those who help each other out, are kind, help you evolve, encourage you, give you confidence,etc. In the other group, their is only one CTR student and the rest are CTW student. In this group they call each other names, they make you chose wrong, they encourage you to do bad decisions, and you eventually develop bad characteristics. To conclude, the differences in both group can determine who you become. Those you surround can have a impact on you greatly.
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