“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone, Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow”
Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson
This statement is well stated by Thomas. Sometimes are “friends” aren't really our friends. What Thomas is stating here is your real friends are the ones who encourage you to do the best and to continue and succeed, not to encourage you to do something you know is wrong and can get you in trouble. Standing alone can sometimes be your only choice nowadays so you can live on to something correct. Nowadays people, most likely teenagers just want to “fit in”. When you try to fit in, it leads to choices you have to make. Usually the choices that lead you to choose the right or “fit it” usually comes from your friends. There are always the good and bad influences in your life. Friends can be the best people that help complete our life, but friends should encourage you to be and do the best not encourage to a wrong. Choose the correct friends will lead you on a good path, even if sometimes you result standing alone.
A great example that would fit in this well stated quote by Thomas are the teenagers nowadays. Nowadays when you “fit in” as a teenager; it's all about what you wear,what you buy, who you hang out with, who has a latest items, who does the cool thing of “drugs”,etc. Teenagers nowadays see the use of drugs and smoking as something “cool”, but what's cool about it ? To be honest with you, their is always at least that one teenager who does these thing and he can be your “friend” too, maybe one day you guys hang out and he offers you to try it out. Choosing the right in this case is to just say no to drugs, peer pressure results in this. Walking away help, even if that means ending and relationship with a group of “friends” because of bad actions.Standing alone can sometimes be the resolution to continue being well.
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