Friday, October 21, 2016

Student Success Statement

" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
 The first thing that pops to my head reading this quote is labels and the actions we all so. That is when CTR comes in, being CTR brings right in your daily life choices. Labels are usually all determined of the things you do and how you do it, either wrong or right. Having a good label shows the type of person you are, the great actions you have shown others,etc. Choosing the Right gives you a good label, choosing the wrong gives you the bad labels. Labels are followed everyday, the labels will never go away. Labels are also what determines your destiny. Like i said before, labels are from the actions we have done, which is now history. With these labels, others use it to determine the benefit towards your own self. Riches are usually wanted in life, but it doesn't really bring happiness. My definition of happiness is being loved or showing love, respect, and honor towards myself,friends,family, and making a change in my own lifetime. Labels are either positive or negative, riches are temporary. Having those positive labels on you bring better riches that value more than others.
 A great example to follow up this quote is when you are applying for a job or career. When applying for something they ask you for background information about yourself or experience you have had towards something,etc. After doing the easy part, then usually and interview is called in. When in the interview you have a one-on-one conversation with a person who asks you question to help you determine if you get the job or not. Like i said before, our good name is our labels we have committed in the past. When the interviewer looks at your background and/or your experience on a certain thing, it is use to impress your own-self to see how better you are than others.If your background says you have been in prison for bank robbery, drug intake, battery charge,etc that is a label you have committed in the past that follows you. This person with this bad history chose the wrong to get what he wanted instead of choosing the right and earn what he desired. This is a great example, because your good name is usually your labels from the past that determine who you are.

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