Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Student Success Statement

“A promise must never be broken.”
-Alexander Hamilton
A promise is your word. A promise can be be a life changing decision that can be very important to you or worthy to you. Breaking a promise is like breaking the most valuable thing to your own self. I can view a promise as a favor or a goal I have set that I will determine to reach. By breaking a promise, you have failed your goal as well if its a favor the other(s) too. Therefore, a promise should never be broken. To add on, Alexander Hamilton in this quote is very truthful. Breaking a promise can lead to mistrust, failure of responsibility, failure of fairness, determining a bad label,etc. A promise can be very important to someone, so it shouldn't be broken. Consequences that can lead to a break of promise is failure, lack of importance, your grade,etc. A promise should never be broken and it should be honored as something very important and valuable.

A great example that can follow up this quote is a group project of 4 students. To make the project equally everyone divides the work evenly. To add on with the equality of work given they have also assigned due dates that everyone promise to value and respect. One day that due date came and everyone had their work completed except one team member. This team member broke his promise and ended up trying to complete everything last minute. In result the team all failed their project and earned a very bad grade for everyone. With this break of promise it was an act of CTW, as well it developed a bad label on the individual and poor trustworthy skills.
Image result for alexander hamilton

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